Want to give back to the community? Volunteer!
Volunteer Requirements
WiCyS paid Membership is required with San Diego as your designated affiliate.
Affiliate Executive Board Members are expected to attend Global and Affiliate WiCyS leadership meetings.
Committee Chair positions are expected to organized and run committee meetings at least once a month.
All volunteers are expected to attend most of our affiliate meetings and events and participate in one of the committees: outreach, event planning, and Social Media & Marketing
Volunteer Expectations
The Executive Board Member Positions are committed to one-year term with three consecutive terms.
Expected time commitment is about 10 hours per month, depends on the volunteer positions.
Maintain good and professional relationship with the WiCyS Global personnel.
Volunteer Benefits
Advance your presence in the cybersecurity community by demonstrating your ability to organize others for a common goal.
Use your influence to create a sense of community, advocate for diversity, and to foster professional development
Work with industry leaders to find common ground and mutual benefit that drives the mission of WiCyS.
Become a thought leader in the community and industry!
Add this leadership experience to your profile.
Enhance your professional brand!